Month: April 2013

  • just another stolen survey

    Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?
    Usually open, the cats freak out when any door is shut.

    Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
    If they’re nice I will

    Where is your next vacation?
    Ocean City! Cannot waittttt

    Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
    No, that’s stupid.

    Who do you think reads these?
    There’s a few that glance at them.

    Do you have a calendar in your room?

    Where are you?
    The office of my apartment

    What’s your plan for the day?
    I need to do laundry, and probably should pick up a few things from the store, but I’m not sure if it’s going to happen.

    Are you reading any books right now?
    A book about nutrition that my trainer gave me, I think it’s called Eat to Live or something.

    Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
    If I’m really nervous about something I will.

    Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?

    Do you chew your pens and pencils?
    Yeah, I do it all the time at work and i know it’s gross but I can’t help it. Sorry, coworkers.

    What is your “Song of the Week”?
    I’ve been listening to the new Fall Out Boy cd pretty much nonstop, because I’m a dork.

    Do you still watch cartoons?

    What’s your favorite love movie?
    I’m not sure if I have one. They all kind of piss me off to a point.

    What do you drink with dinner?
    Usually water, occasionally pop

    What do you dip Chicken nuggets in?
    Ketchup or ranch

    What is your favorite food/cuisine?
    I can eat pizza every. single. day.

    What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
    Boondock Saints, Spirited Away, V for Vendetta, 10 Things I hate about you, the fast and furious movies, etcetc

    Last person you hugged/kissed?
    Uhhhh, Fancy

    Were you ever a boy/girl scout?

    Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
    Sure, if they’re going to pay me enough

    When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
    I really have no idea.

    Can you change the oil on a car?
    I can drive it to Jiffy Lube…

    Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
    Yessssssssssss, ugh. :(

    Run out of gas?

    Best thing to eat for breakfast?
    My favorite right now is scrambled eggs with spinach and mushrooms with a piece of wheat bread with peanut butter on it and blueberries on top.

    What is your usual bedtime?

    Are you lazy?
    About certain things

  • Do you live within 30 miles of where you were born?
    Negative. About 7 hours away.

    Are you older than your best friend?
    No, I’m younger

    What’s something you are good at cooking?
    Stuff, I guess. I’m told I am.

    What is the name and artist/band of the last song you listen to?
    I’ve been listening the hell out of FOB’s new album

    Look to your right. What is the thing that catches your attention the most?
    The cat

    What do you usually grab when you have a sweet tooth?
    Too much

    What kinds of things make you laugh?
    Stuff. I don’t know. I’m not in the mood.

    Were you ever bullied as a child?
    Yes, I got over it.

    What were you doing before you answered this survey?
    Changing clothes

    What were you doing at midday today?

    What hair style do you have atm? Are you happy with it?
    it’s in a pony tail. it needs cut.

    Have you ever had a panic attack?

    Tell me about your last birthday, What presents did you get? Did you do anything special to celebrate?
    I got money…. fancy had an edible arrangement delivered to work (i told him to), then we went to dinner at pf changs then went out for drinks with a few friends. It was okay. I got cake at work.

    Has your best friend ever made you cry?

    What’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought recently?
    A wedding dress. The style is Anjolique 930 if anybody wants to google it

    Have you ever entered a talent competition?

    Is there anything you dislike about your appearance?

    Are you indecisive?
    I guess so?

    What colour is your best friend’s hair?

    Do you still talk to the person you liked 6 months ago?

    Has anyone ever talked you into doing something you didn’t want to do?

    Do you have any favorite jewelry that you always wear?
    Panda necklace, engagement ring

    Are you smiling in your facebook profile picture?
    I don’t remember

    Be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you? Or are they actually not worthy of your affections?
    Depends on the mood I’m in.

    Think of the last person of the opposite sex that you had a conversation with. Do you find them attractive?

    Who will you be spending the weekend with?
    Well, I thought we were going to VT’s spring game, but apparently not. So I’ll just be at the gym.

    What colour is your hair dryer?
    We have two, a red/black one and a green/grey one

    How long do you feel you can stay single after a relationship ends, before you feel ready to be with someone else?

    Who would you say influences your musical taste the most, friends or family?

    Does it irritate you when people go on and on about how amazing their boyfriend/girlfriend is?

    Are you ill right now?
    I guess so. I’m in a shit mood (I’m hoping terrible chinese food solves this), and my hip is killing me.

    List 5 things that have been on your mind most recently.
    I don’t feel like playing that game

    Do you follow rules or break them?
    Usually follow

    Are you currently looking forward to anything?
    I think we’re honeymooning in St. Lucia…. so that, if it happens

    Could you go a day without eating?

    How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
    I don’t own bracelets

    What are you doing right now, besides this?

    When you listen to a new song, do you usually play it over and over?
    Depends if I like it or not.

    Do you scream stuff out the car window?

    You’re single, right?

    How’s that going for you?
    Well, most of the time

    Has anyone laid on your bed besides you?

    Who’s the first person you spoke to in 2012?

    Do you prefer being called your actual name or a nick name?
    My name.

    Do you ever want to get married?

    Is there someone who makes you blush when you just say hi to them?
    No, I’m not five.

    How was your Saturday night?
    Pretty good.

    Do you wish your first kiss was with someone else? Why?

    Three things you want to say to three different people.
    1. I’m
    2. too
    3. tired to think of this shit

    Something that not a lot of people know about you.
    I tend to wake up in a really good mood 99% of the time.

    Think of the last person you stopped being friends with. What happened?
    They suck?

  • Life?

    So, I’ve been taking boxing lessons. They suck. In a good way, of course. I’ve never been so fucking sore in my life! It’s ridiculous. I also feel very, very, very awkward doing uppercuts. I’m convinced I look retarded and he’s not correcting me simply because I look ridiculous.

    I started running. The last time I tried to do a mile, my time was 18 minutes. The past couple days it’s been around 14:44 or 15 minutes. I’m pretty proud of myself! So I sent a picture of the treadmill to my trainer…. who responded with “Great work! Now go to 2.5 mi and send me a picture when you’re done”….motherfucker. I got the 2.5 in in around 37 minutes and some odd seconds. I felt like fucking death afterwards though. But it’s coming along!

    The family is coming up this weekend to go wedding dress shopping! I think we’re also going to go look at bridesmaids dresses while they’re up here, so it should be a super fun/exciting/stressful weekend. Especially since watching how I eat around them is going to be miserable. But I’ll manage! I’m not sure if I’ll get to actually buy a dress if I find “the one” this weekend though. I have the money saved, but Fancy says we should probably wait to buy anything until we know what he’s doing job wise, but ugh, I don’t know. If I find something I know I’ll want to buy it! I’m terrible.

    Not a lot has been going on other than that…. I’m pretty boring I guess!