Month: January 2013

  • The Big 2-4

    So I turned 24 yesterday. I’m so close to being able to have my quarter life crisis it’s killing me.

    It started off okay. My mom didn’t remember what day it was, but that’s pretty norm for her. We were supposed to have cake at work, but the girl that was supposed to bring it didn’t show, so no cake for me. :( It kind of made me sad, but then it started snowing and I got to leave a half hour early, so it made it okay. ALSO Fancy bought me an Edible Arrangement and had it delivered to work. It made me happy. :) There were balloons and everything!

    After work Fancy went to the gym, I painted my nails and got all purty, and we went to dinner. First time going to PF Changs and it was tasty, we have left overs for today! I got a tiny piece of cake there, so I finally got my cake! Cake. After dinner we met up with Trainer and Gym Guy J for drinks, which was tons of fun. We sat and Trainer introduced me to some new drinks/shots and we watched basketball and the x games. Quiet nights out with good friends and an awesome bartender are my favorite. I don’t like loud noisy club scenes, or having a shit ton of people around. It was just very nice and relaxing and fun!  Though I did come to the conclusion I need to get a smaller purse for when I go out. My Big Bag of Crazy is kind of awkward.

    Then we went home, I half-assed took my make up off, and passed out a little after midnight.

    Yay excitement/fun times/learning new drinks!

  • So I was talking to @secade this morning and he mentioned how I’m very rarely on xanga anymore. My reasoning, I told him, was because I’m kind of boring. It’s the same shit different day kind of stuff, you know? Here’s my typical day, m-fri:

    0545: alarm goes off, hate life.
    0600-0640: get ready, make lunch, eat breakfast, take care of the cats, leave for work
    0730-1553: Work
    1554-1620: Drive home (sometimes this takes longer, just to make the day interesting!
    1700-1800: Gym, sometimes it’s pushed back an hour! Again, to make it interesting
    1800-2100: Dinner/Shower/Video games/Clean/Watch Jeopardy/Grocery shop/Lay on the couch
    2100+: Sleep

    Rinse, repeat. That’s essentially it, every day. It’s kind of sad, but that’s just how it goes. Until we win the lottery, or inherit a fuck ton of money from some dead unknown of relative, we’re pretty much stuck. But it’s not necessarily bad. I like my routine, it keeps me grounded. I guess I’m one of those terrible adults who like schedules too much.

    Nothing really exciting has happened recently, either. Or coming up, really. Friday is my birthday, turning the big 2-4! We’re going out to PF Changs for dinner after the gym. I’ve never been, but all the girls at work like it, so I’m hoping it’s yummy. We don’t have any fun or exciting weekend plans, but next weekend we’re having a combined game night/superbowl party for my birthday! I’m really lame, I just want to hang out in my living room with my friends and play games, eat, and watch the game. The whole bar scene makes me uncomfortable unless it’s one of those local hole in the wall places.

    I guess I’m just more boring than I thought!

    I’m going dress shopping in April, my mom and two sisters are coming up to go with me, so that should be exciting. Or terribly, terribly terrible. I guess it depends on how my emotional state is and if mom decides to be a cunt.

    Hmm…. I think I’m going now. Fancy says he’s getting something delivered to me at work for my birthday, so maybe I’ll upload a picture of that friday when I receive it.

  • Fancy was two days late paying the rent (we were out of town) and we get a notice in the mail that we have to go to court. It’s been paid, in full. We’ve never been late before, and in fact, we have a credit on our account. But you know, jumping to court is a logical step.

    This is ridiculous, and I feel like I’m going to throw up.