Month: July 2013

  • See you, Space Cowboy…

    Do you remember how annoying you were at 15? I do. Because I blogged every freaking minute of it. It really is terrible, really. I started blogging back in February of 2004. I was a freshman in high school, never been kissed, going through all the hormonal bullshit fifteen year olds go through. Some of my first (…several years) blogs are so cringe inducing it’s ridiculous. I go back and think, “how did I ever have friends?”.

    I blogged through first kisses, first dates, first break ups. I blogged shit I cooked, half naked pictures of myself. I brought that weird love yourself bullshit project to xanga. I met some awesome people, some of which are (better fucking) coming to my wedding.

    Sometimes, the drama on here was more than the drama I was witnessing in high school. The fights stupider, the emotions more raw. We had Xanga Zombies, inside jokes, and grand plans for everybody to fly out to Hawaii. We had heart break, and finding yourself, and realizing which people to stay away from. We grew up together, even though a lot of us were miles and miles apart.

    I haven’t blogged much for the past few years. I got into a long term relationship. I had real jobs, college, life to deal with. Blogging wasn’t a part of that anymore, really. Then I moved, and I found myself in this crazy new environment without my typical support system, so I came back. I blogged through the home sickness, the first real fights, wondering if I made the correct decision with my life.

    It almost seems fitting that it shuts down now, months before my wedding, months before starting a brand new chapter. It’s also sad, because I fully expected to blog through those first moments as a wife. Building a family, exploring new places.

    If anybody wants to keep in touch, you can friend me on Facebook. My full name is Lacey Carter. I’m sure I’ll pick up blogging someplace else in the future, but for now I have no real plans of that.

    For once last time,
    This is live_for_love, signing out.